BBA The Real Vertical 2-day VIP Course (Module II) 30th and 31th of October 2020 (HEIDELBERG, GERMANY)
Preis pro Person, inkl. Kurs-Catering, exkl. MwSt. (Abrechnung in EUR)
Sobald Sie auf "Ihren Platz buchen" klicken, wird der Platz im Warenkorb reserviert. Gehen Sie anschließend über den Warekorb zur Kasse, um Ihre Daten anzugeben und die Buchung abzuschließen.
This course is addressed to colleagues already displaying experience in the field of bone augmentation. The premium class of augmentation, the discipline of vertical bone augmentation, will be practiced by means of specific synthetic models.
For participation the attende must have attented the `Real Bone Builders VIP Course` before!
Particular significance will be attributed to the proper soft tissue approach, which
is highly recommended in association with the vertical bone augmentation procedure. The lateral tunnel as well as the tunnel technique will be discussed in detail and the participants will master the bone removal by means of the MicroSaw as well as the 3D augmentation of the lower jaw.
Potential sources of errors will be addressed, and distinct guidelines will be provided in order to guarantee a predictable successful outcome.
All techniques will be exercised under the direction of Dr. Frank Zastrow by means of synthetic models.
Punkte: 16
Teilnehmeranzahl: 30
Fachgebiet: Implantologie
Zielgruppe: Implantologe/-In
Referent: Dr. Frank Zastrow M.Sc.
30.10.2020 08:30 am - 5:00 pm
31.10.2020 09:00 am - 5:00 pm
Direct booking at Qube Hotel, Heidelberg: Room contingent with reduced price from EUR 130,00 (per night) Codeword for room contingent is „Dr. Zastrow“.
! timely booking recommended !
Qube Hotel
Bergheimerstr. 74
69115 Heidelberg
T: +49 (0) 6221 187990