BBA THE REAL BONE BUILDERS 2-day VIP Course 6th and 7th of March 2020 (CAIRO, EGYPT)
Dieses Event wird von einem unserer Partner ausgerichtet. Informationen zu Preisen, Buchung, Veranstaltungsort sowie dem genauen Ablauf des Events erhalten Sie beim Veranstalter. Ansprechpartner:Mahmood Ezzat
In many cases, bone augmentation is necessary before implants can be inserted; additionally, soft tissue management can be a decisive factor for implant success.
The “Gold Standard” of using autologous bone is constantly in competition with the use of bone graft material products.
This course comprises a hands-on workshop and is addressed to all clinicians who have already acquired professional experience in augmentation and who would like to learn safe and predictable bone harvesting and augmentation techniques for different clinical situations.
For the purpose of achieving predictable results, oral surgeon Dr. Frank Zastrow will provide clear guidelines for the use of augmentative procedures such as autogenous bone grafting, sinus elevation, and advanced soft tissue management.
During the 'simulation' session, relevant soft tissue management and bone harvesting techniques will be simulated and trained on synthetic models.
Informationen hierzu erhalten Sie beim Veranstalter.
Informationen hierzu erhalten Sie beim Veranstalter.