
25. - 27. September 2020


We are delighted to present the 1st BBA Symposium from 25-27 September 2020 in the modern congress hall of the Print Media Academy in Heidelberg, Germany.

Our symposium will be entitled ‚RISE of the GOLDEN AGE‘ and we will be focusing on working with the patient’s own REAL bone and tissues, also known as the GOLD STANDARD in the fi eld of dental implantology.

Some of the most renowned international speakers in the fi eld of dental implantology will be joining our event and guaranteeing top-level clinical and scientifi c evidence.

In cooperation with BBA Academy – The Home of REAL BONE BUILDERS – we have designed an outstanding scientific program. Also on Sunday, September 27th, you will have the opportunity to take part in exciting HANDS-ON WORKSHOPS (please note: seats are limited!) engaging in hard and soft tissue management as well as the Khoury technique.

The symposium will be highlighted by our dinner event on friday evening on the 12th fl oor of Print Media Academy, off ering an attractive selection of food, drinks and music.

We hope you can join our upcoming 1st BBA Symposium in 2020 and help us inspire the future of implant dentistry. This symposium will dpose an excellent opportunity for networking and sharing experiences with like-minded colleagues.

As seats are limited, early registration is highly recommended!


Howard Gluckman (ZA)
Michael Pikos (US)
Radoslaw Jadach (PL)
Jose Luis Dominguez Mompell (ES) Juan Lara Chao (ES)
Jonathan du Troit (FR)
Joey Chen (TW)
Frank Zastrow (DE)